Back-up light switch – check and replacement


1. The back-up light switch is located on the left side of the transmission case.

2. Turn the ignition key to the ON position, move the shift lever to the REVERSE position and verify that the back-up lights come on.

3. If the back-up lights don’t go on, check the back-up light fuse, which is located in the engine compartment fuse and relay box (see Chassis electrical system).

4. If the fuse is blown, troubleshoot the back-up light circuit for a short circuit.

5. If the fuse is okay, put the shift lever in REVERSE, then raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands.

6. Working under the vehicle, disconnect the electrical connector from the back-up light switch. Using an ohmmeter, check for continu­ity across the terminals of the switch (not the connector). There should be continuity.

7. If there is no continuity between the switch terminals with the shift lever in REVERSE, replace the switch.

8. If there is continuity at the switch, check for voltage at the electrical connector. One of the two terminals should have battery voltage present with the ignition key in the ON posi­tion.

9. If there is no voltage at the switch electrical connector, troubleshoot the circuit between the engine compartment fuse and relay box and the back-up light switch connector for an open circuit condition.

10. If there is voltage at the switch electri­cal connector, trace the back-up light circuit between the electrical connector and the back-up light bulbs for an open circuit con­dition. Note: Although not very likely, the back-up light bulbs could both be burned out, but don’t rule out this possibility.


11. Raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands, if not already done.

12. Disconnect the electrical connector from the back-up light switch.

13. Unscrew the back-up light switch from the transmission case.

14. Apply RTV sealant or Teflon tape to the threads of the new switch to prevent leakage. Install the switch in the transmission case and tighten it to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.

15. The remainder of installation is the reverse of removal.