Valve covers – removal and installation


1. Disconnect the cable from the nega­tive terminal of the battery (see Engine electrical systems). Remove the engine cover.

2. Remove the ignition coils (see Engine electrical systems) and position the wiring harnesses aside (see illustrations).

4.2a Location of the harness clips on the right side valve cover

RAM Trucks Hemi engine Location of the harness clips on the right side valve cover

4.2b Location of the harness clips on the left side valve cover – some hidden from view

RAM Trucks Hemi engine Location of the harness clips on the left side valve cover - some hidden from view

3. Remove the valve cover mounting bolts (see illustrations). Start with the center bolts and move to the outer bolts using a criss­cross pattern.

4.3a Location of the valve cover mounting bolts on the right side valve cover

RAM Trucks Hemi engine Location of the valve cover mounting bolts on the right side valve cover

4.3b Location of the valve cover mounting bolts on the left side valve cover

RAM Trucks Hemi engine Location of the valve cover mounting bolts on the left side valve cover

4. Remove the valve cover. Note: If the cover is stuck to the head, bump the cover with a block of wood and a hammer to release it. If it still will not come loose, try to slip a flex­ible putty knife between the head and cover to break the seal. Don’t pry at the cover-to­head joint, as damage to the sealing surface and cover flange will result and oil leaks will develop.


5. The mating surfaces of each cylinder head and valve cover must be perfectly clean when the covers are installed. Wipe the mat­ing surfaces with a cloth saturated with brake cleaner. If there is sealant or oil on the mating surfaces when the cover is installed, oil leaks may develop.

6. If the valve cover gasket isn’t damaged or hardened, it can be re-used. If it is in need of replacement, install a new one into the valve cover perimeter and new rubber seals into the grooves in the valve cover that seal the spark plug tubes (see illustration).

4.6 If they’re damaged or hardened, replace the rubber gasket and spark plug tube seals with new ones (if they’re OK, they can be re-used)

RAM Trucks Hemi engine If they're damaged or hardened, replace the rubber gasket and spark plug tube seals with new ones (if they're OK, they can be re-used)

7. Carefully position the cover on the head and install the bolts, making sure the bolts with the studs are in the proper locations.

8. Tighten the bolts in three steps to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications. Start with the middle bolts and move to the outer bolts using a criss-cross pattern. Caution: DON’T over-tighten the valve cover bolts.

9. The remainder of installation is the reverse of removal.

10. Start the engine and check carefully for oil leaks as the engine warms up.