Brake Transmission Shift Interlock (BTSI) system – description, check and adjustment


1. The Brake Transmission Shift Interlock (BTSI) system is a solenoid-operated device, located on the shift cable, that locks the shift lever into the PARK position when the ignition key is in the LOCK or ACCESSORY position. When the ignition key is in the RUN position, a magnetic holding device, inline with the park lock cable, is energized. When the system is functioning correctly, the only way to unlock the shift lever and move it out of PARK is to depress the brake pedal. The BTSI system also prevents the ignition key from being turned to the LOCK or ACCESSORY position unless the shift lever is fully locked into the PARK position.


2. Verify that the ignition key can be removed only in the PARK position.

3. When the shift lever is in the PARK position and the shift lever Overdrive Off (0/D OFF) button is not activated, you should be able to rotate the ignition key from OFF to LOCK. But when the shift lever is in any gear position other than PARK (including NEU­TRAL), you should not be able to rotate the ignition key to the LOCK position.

4. You should not be able to move the shift lever out of the PARK position when the igni­tion key is turned to the OFF position.

5. You should not be able to move the shift lever out of the PARK position when the igni­tion key is turned to the RUN or START posi­tion until you depress the brake pedal.

6. You should not be able to move the shift lever out of the PARK position when the ignition key is turned to the ACC or LOCK position.

7. Once in gear, with the ignition key in the RUN position, you should be able to move the shift lever between gears, or put it into NEU­TRAL or PARK, without depressing the brake pedal.

8. If the BTSI system doesn’t operate as described, have it checked by a dealer ser­vice department.


9. The BTSI is not adjustable on the models covered by this manual. It is a part of the shift lever assembly.