Driveplate – removal and installation


1. Raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands.

2. Remove the transmission (see Automatic transmission).

3. To ensure correct alignment during reinstallation, match-mark the driveplate and backing plate to the crankshaft so they can be reassembled in the same position.

4. Remove the bolts that hold the driveplate to the crankshaft. A special tool is available at most auto parts stores to hold the driveplate while loosening the bolts. If the tool is not available, wedge a screwdriver in the starter ring gear teeth to jam the driveplate.

5. Remove the driveplate from the crankshaft. The driveplate is fairly heavy; be sure to support it while removing the last bolt.

6. Clean the driveplate to remove grease and oil. Inspect the driveplate for damage or other defects.

7. Clean and inspect the mating surfaces of the driveplate and the crankshaft.

8. If the crankshaft rear main seal is leaking, replace it before reinstalling the driveplate (Rear main oil seal – replacement).


9. Position the driveplate and backing plate against the crankshaft. Align the previously applied matchmarks. Before installing the bolts, apply thread-locking compound to the threads.

10. Hold the driveplate with the holding tool, or wedge a screwdriver in the starter ring gear teeth to keep the driveplate from turning. Tighten the bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications in a criss-cross pat­tern.

11. The remainder of installation is the reverse of removal.