

To open the tailgate, lift up on the handle and pull the tailgate down.


To close the tailgate, push it upward until both sides are latched.

The tailgate can be locked using the key fob lock button.



Removing the tailgate will disable the rearview camera function.

To remove the tailgate, follow the instructions below:

1. Disconnect the wiring harness for the rear camera and or power locks (if equipped).

2. Unlatch the tailgate and remove the support cables by releasing the lock tang from the pivot.


Make sure tailgate is supported when removing support cables.

Locking Tang

3. Position the tailgate on a 45° angle.

4. Raise the right side of the tailgate until the right side pivot clears the hanger bracket.

5. Slide the entire tailgate to the right to free the left side pivot.

6. Remove the tailgate from the vehicle.


Do not carry the tailgate loose in the truck pickup box.


To avoid inhaling carbon monoxide, which is deadly, the exhaust system on vehicles equipped with “Cap or Slide-In Campers” should extend beyond the overhanging camper compartment and be free of leaks.

Disconnecting The Rear Camera And Remote Keyless Entry

1. Open the tailgate to access the rear camera or Remote Keyless Entry connector bracket located on the rear sill.

Connector Bracket

2. Remove the connector bracket from the sill by pushing inward on the locking tab.

Locking Tab

3. Disconnect the chassis wiring harness, ensuring the connector bracket does not fall into the sill.

Disconnected Harness

4. Connect the chassis plug and bracket (provided in the glove compartment) to the chassis wiring harness and insert the bracket back into the sill.

Chassis Wiring Harness ..

Chassis Plug

5. Connect the tailgate plug (provided in the glove compartment) to the tailgate wiring harness to ensure that the terminals do not corrode.

Wire Harness Bracket

1 — Tailgate Plug Release
2 — Tailgate Plug
3 — Tailgate Harness

6. Tape the tailgate harness and bracket against the forward-facing surface of the tailgate. This will prevent damaging the connector and bracket when storing or reinstalling the tailgate.

Taped Tailgate Harness